Support for Establishment of National/Regional
Social Sciences Data Archives

Support for Establishment of National/Regional Social Sciences Data Archives

SERSCIDA is designed as a strategic project for supporting the cooperation and exchange of knowledge between the EU countries associated within the Council of European Social Sciences Data Archives (CESSDA) and the Western Balkan Countries (WBC) in the field of social science data archiving. The project addresses the issues of potentials of usage of information-communication technologies for the benefits of scientific research and exchange of knowledge as laid down in the call for proposals topic. The project aims to produce tangible results and improve the capacities for exchange of knowledge and data collected through research in social sciences between the European countries and WBC involved.




WP4 Slovenia ADP Visit

The visit to the Slovenian Archive for Social Science Data Archive of the Universtity of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences (ADP) is dedicated to:

  • learning more about the ADP, its history and structure,
  • meet the key ADP stakeholders, and
  • meet funders and policy-makers that have an effect on ADP.

The visit is taking place in Ljubljana on 7-8 Oct 2013. More details are available on the following ADP link.


Monday, October 7th 2013

9.00 - 10.00 Faculty of Social Sciences,
Kardeljeva ploščad 5, Ljubljana, senate room

  • Maja Bučar, Vice-Dean for Doctoral Studies, Reserach and International Relations
  • Janez Štebe, Head of Social Science Data Archives [PPT]

10.00-10.30 Coffee break

- transfer -

11.00-12.30, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SORS),
Litostrojska 54, Ljubljana

  • Genovefa Ružić, SORS director general
  • Tomaž Smrekar, Head of Sector for Dissemination of Statistical Data and Methods
  • Nataša Zidar, Department for Data Dissemination
  • Andrejka Smukavec, Sector for General Methodology and Standards
  • Irena Svetlin, Labour Market Statistics Department
  • Visit to SORS safe room

12.30-14.00 Lunch break: Restaurant Slorest (Menu)

- transfer -

14.30-15.30, National and University Library (NUK),
Turjaška 1, Ljubljana

  • Melita Ambrožič, Deputy Director for Ljubljana University Library System
  • Zoran Krstulović, Deputy Director for Library Programs
  • Alenka Kavčič Čolić, Head of Research and Development
  • Matjaž Kragelj, Head of Information Technology and Digital Library unit

15.45-17.00 University of Ljubljana,
Kongresni trg 12, Ljubljana

  • Ivan Svetlik, Rector
  • Marijan Leban, University Office for Research, Development and Intelectual Property
  • Mojca Kotar, University Office of Library Services
  • Milan Ojsteršek, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor

18.00 Dinner: Druga violina, Stari trg 21, Ljubljana (Menu) (Going Dutch)


Tuesday, October 8th 2013

10.00-12.00 Slovenian Research Agency,
Bleiweisova 30, Ljubljana

  • Janez Slak, Deputy director
  • Primož Pristovšek, Head of the Department of Research Infrastructure and International Cooperation
  • Stojan Pečlin, Department of Research Programmes and Young researchers, Analysis and Monitoring
  • Davor Šoštarič, Director, Institute of Information Science (IZUM)

12.00-13.00 Lunch break: Figovec, Gosposvetska 1, Ljubljana (Menu)

13.30-14.30 Ministry of Education, Science and Sport,
Kotnikova 38, Ljubljana

  • Urban Krajcar, Acting Director-General - Directorat for Science
  • Tomaž Boh, Head of Science division

- transfer -

15.00-16.30 Faculty of Social Sciences,
Kardeljeva ploščad 5, Ljubljana

  • Mirjam Kotar, Head of Jože Goričar Central Social Sciences Library

Wrap-up discussion

16.30 Closure


The Republic of Serbia (SR)

  • Aleksandra Bradić-Martinović, Institute of Economic Sciences
  • Aleksandar Zdravković, Institute of Economic Sciences
  • Biljana Kosanović, National Library of Serbia
  • Vesna Aleksić, Institute of Economic Sciences

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH)

  • Saša Madacki, University of Sarajevo
  • Lejla Somun-Krupalija, University of Sarajevo
  • Kenan Filipovic, University of Sarajevo

Croatia (HR)

  • Irena Kranjec, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb
  • Marijana Glavica, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb / SERSCIDA
  • Janja Trkulja, Croatian Science Foundation
  • Bojana Radulović, Croatian Science Foundation
  • Zoran Bekić, University of Zagreb University Computing Center
  • Diana Šimić, University of Zagreb Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Croatia
  • Daniela Bratković, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences University of Zagreb

Republic of Slovenia (SI)

  • Janez Štebe, University of Ljubljana, Social Science Data Archives
  • Irena Vipavc Brvar, University of Ljubljana, Social Science Data Archives
  • Sonja Bezjak, University of Ljubljana, Social Science Data Archives


Vice-Dean of FDV welcomes SERSCIDA visitors



Professor Nikola Tos speaks on signficance of data archives/services

Open Access

'Open Access' refers to the practice of granting free Internet access to research publications and data. As all research and innovation builds on earlier achievements, an efficient system for broad dissemination of and access to research publications and raw data can accelerate scientific progress. The OECD Declaration of 2008 states "that open access to, and unrestricted use of data promotes scientific progress and facilitates the training of researchers," as well as maximizing "the value derived from public investments in data collection efforts." SERSCIDA will address the need for improved and open access to and dissemination of primary data collected through research in social sciences while at the same time trying to support reinforcement of the existing national strategies and structures, and to contribute to development of new ones.