Support for Establishment of National/Regional
Social Sciences Data Archives

Podrška stvaranju nacionalnih/regionalnih arhiva podataka za društvene znanosti

SERSCIDA je zamišljena kao strateški projekt za suradnju i razmjenu znanja između zemalja EU-a koje su uključene u rad Vijeća europskih arhiva podataka iz područja društvenih znanosti i zemalja zapadnog Balkana. Cilj projekta je stvaranje konkretnih rezultata i poboljšanje kapaciteta za razmjenu znanja i podataka prikupljenih kroz istraživanja u području društvenih znanosti između europskih zemalja i zemalja zapadnog Balkana.




IASSIST 2014 Call for Papers Announced

iassist2014Celebrating its 40th anniversary, the International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technology (IASSIST) is issuing a call for paper and session proposals for its annual conference, which will be held in Toronto, Canada on June 3-6, 2014.



call for papers


IASSIST 2014 Annual Conference Call for Paper and Session Proposals

Celebrating its 40th anniversary, the International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technology (IASSIST) is issuing a call for paper and session proposals for its annual conference, which will be held in Toronto, Canada on June 3-6, 2014.

This year’s conference theme touches upon the international and interdisciplinary requirements of aligning data and research infrastructure. The 2013 OECD Global Science Forum report on New Data for Understanding the Human Condition identifies key challenges to international data collaboration that beg for new solutions. Among these challenges is the mounting pressure for new forms of social science data. In today’s abundance of personal data, new methods are being sought to combine traditional social science data, such as administrative, survey, and census data, with new forms of personal data, including social networking, biomarkers or transaction data, or with data from other domains. Similar challenges have been identified in the scientific data realm and the need for open data, archiving, and long term curation infrastructures to allow replication and/or reuse are challenges posed by funders in all areas. What alignments are needed between data and research infrastructure to enable these possibilities?

The international research community is in the midst of building a global data ecosystem that consists of a mixture of domain data repositories, data archives, data libraries, and data services and that seeks ways to facilitate data discovery, integration, access, and preservation. Evidence of this transformation is found in the recently established ICSU World Data System and in the Research Data Alliance. Like IASSIST, these organizations are contributing to the development of a global data ecosystem. Alignment, or unification of strategies, must take place at many levels to achieve this. How do we proceed? What advancements are needed in research data management, research infrastructure, and the development of new expertise?

We welcome submissions on the topics described above and encourage conference participants to propose papers and sessions that will be an interest to a diverse audience. To facilitate the formation and scheduling of sessions, three tracks are being offered:

  1. Managing research data
  2. Providing data services, and
  3. Developing data infrastructure tools.

Online submission forms, further explanation of the tracks, and guidelines for conference and workshop content *will soon be* available on this website. If you are unsure which track your submission fits or if you feel it belongs in more than one track, the Program Committee will find an appropriate place.

We also welcome workshop proposals around the same themes. Successful proposals will blend lecture and active learning techniques. The conference planning committee will provide the necessary classroom space and computing supplies for workshops. For previous examples of IASSIST workshops, please see the descriptions of 2011 workshopsand 2013 workshops. Typically workshops are half-day with 2-hour and 3-hour options.

  • Deadline for submission: December 9, 2013 (2013.12.09)
  • Notification of acceptance: February 7, 2014 (2014.02.07).
  • Questions about sessions/paper submissions may be sent to the Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.
  • Questions about workshop submission may be sent to the Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.; there will be a separate call for workshops shortly.

Program Chairs

  • Johan Fihn
  • Jen Green
  • Chuck Humphrey


Otvoreni pristup

'Otvoreni pristup' se odnosi na praksu pružanja neometanog internetskog pristupa znanstvenim tekstovima. Budući da se sva istraživanja i inovacije zasnivaju na ranijim postignućima, učinkovit sustav za široku disperziju i pristup istraživačkim publikacijama i neobrađenim podacima može ubrzati razvoj znanosti. Deklaracija iz 2008. godine OECD-a navodi „da otvoreni pristup i neograničeno korištenje podataka promovira znanstveni razvoj i olakšava obuke istraživača“ te povećava „vrijednost javnih ulaganja u proces prikupljanja podataka“. SERSCIDA će se usmjeriti na potrebu za poboljšanim i otvorenim pristupom i dijeljenjem primarnih podataka prikupljenih kroz istraživanja u području društvenih znanosti, te će u isto vrijeme pokušati podržati oživljavanje postojećih državnih strategija i struktura te doprinijeti razvoju novih.