Support for Establishment of National/Regional
Social Sciences Data Archives

FORS Swiss Foundation for Research in Social Sciences

The Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences (FORS) maintains a national social science data archive, facilitates access to official statistics micro data, and represents Switzerland on the Council of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA). In addition, FORS combines research infrastructures like the Swiss Household Panel (SHP), the Swiss Election Study, the Swiss Social Report, and the Swiss parts of several cross-national surveys (European Social Survey, International Social Survey Program, Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe SHARE, Luxembourg Income Study). FORS activities are co-financed by the Swiss Confederation, the Swiss National Science Foundation, and its host institution, the University of Lausanne.

Main tasks in SERSCIDA: FORS will serve as Workpackage Leader for WP5 and Task Leader for T4.1

FORS is a primary Swiss centre for preservation of social science data produced in the country and has extensive experience and existing systems for the storage, documentation, and dissemination of complex datasets. It is consortium member to the FP7 Data without Boundaries project, and will play a role in a possible future CESSDA-ERIC. FORS also participated in the CESSDA PPP project.

Brian KLEINER is Head of Data and Research Information Services at FORS. Dr. Kleiner has 15 years of experience in the applied social sciences. He currently oversees all data service activities at FORS and participates regularly in CESSDA developments. He will be responsible for leading WP5 and task 4.1 of SERSCIDA.

Bojana TASIC is Head of IT group at FORS, and will be responsible for all IT-related matters in the project activities that are led by FORS. Ms. Tasic has over 9 years of commercial experience in the areas of software engineering, technical analysis, design, integration, development and deployment of distributed Internet applications. She graduated the Information Systems at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Department for Information Systems.  Ms. Tasic has a practical knowledge of IT matters related to social science research as well as software industry best practices.

Renate KUNZ is working in the Data Service group of FORS since the beginning of October 2013 and will mainly be working on WP5 of SERSCIDA. Ms. Kunz has a history degree from the University of Berne and has been working in several different archives and library environments in the last 7 years. Her focus is on appraisal and description of different holdings and reference services. She recently graduated with a Master of Advanced Studies in Archival, Library and Information Science (MAS ALIS) at the University of Berne and Lausanne.





Brian Kleiner, Head of Data and Research Information Services, Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.

FORS Swiss Foundation for Research in Social Sciences
C/o Université de Lausanne
Bâtiment Géopolis
CH- 1015 Lausanne

Tél. +41 21 692 37 44
Fax +41 21 692 37 35


Otvoreni pristup

'Otvoreni pristup' se odnosi na praksu pružanja neometanog internetskog pristupa znanstvenim tekstovima. Budući da se sva istraživanja i inovacije zasnivaju na ranijim postignućima, učinkovit sustav za široku disperziju i pristup istraživačkim publikacijama i neobrađenim podacima može ubrzati razvoj znanosti. Deklaracija iz 2008. godine OECD-a navodi „da otvoreni pristup i neograničeno korištenje podataka promovira znanstveni razvoj i olakšava obuke istraživača“ te povećava „vrijednost javnih ulaganja u proces prikupljanja podataka“. SERSCIDA će se usmjeriti na potrebu za poboljšanim i otvorenim pristupom i dijeljenjem primarnih podataka prikupljenih kroz istraživanja u području društvenih znanosti, te će u isto vrijeme pokušati podržati oživljavanje postojećih državnih strategija i struktura te doprinijeti razvoju novih.